simpleType DateTime
type xsd:dateTime
base xsd:dateTime
The DateTime type format is defined as followed: [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm]. CC represents the century, YY the year, MM the month and DD the day, T start od the time section, hh hours, mm minutes and ss seconds.
An optional time zone expression may be added at the end. The letter Z is used to indicate Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). All other time zones are represented by their difference from the UTC time.
To represent years before 0001, a preceding minus sign ("-") is allowed.
source <xsd:simpleType name="DateTime">
<xsd:documentation> The DateTime type format is defined as followed: [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm]. CC represents the century, YY the year, MM the month and DD the day, T start od the time section, hh hours, mm minutes and ss seconds.
An optional time zone expression may be added at the end. The letter Z is used to indicate Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). All other time zones are represented by their difference from the UTC time.
To represent years before 0001, a preceding minus sign ("-") is allowed.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:dateTime"/>

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