diagram |
namespace |
http://fifa.com/fc |
type |
extension of fc:MatchInternationalType |
properties |
children |
fc:Phase fc:MatchEvent fc:Competition fc:Facility fc:MatchOfficial fc:Team |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation | MatchFIFAId | fc:FIFAIdentifier | required | | | documentation | This is the worldwide unique id of the match record. It is unchangeable. |
| Status | fc:MatchStatusType | required | | | documentation | The status of the match. |
| DateTimeLocal | fc:DateTime | | | | documentation | The scheduled local date and time of the match including the time zone. |
| Matchday | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | | | | documentation | The number representing a Matchday/Week/Round of Round robin competition or Leg for Elimination type |
| Attendance | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | | | | documentation | The number of people attending the match in the stadium. |
annotation |
documentation | The envelope containig the MatchInternationalType |
source |
<xsd:element name="MatchInternational">
<xsd:documentation>The envelope containig the MatchInternationalType</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:extension base="fc:MatchInternationalType"/>
</xsd:element> |