The Scenarios XSD schema defines all messages and envelope elements that are necessary for the real-life application of FIFA Connect Data in specific use-cases/scenarios. An end-user applying the FIFA Connect Data technically needs to include/use only the Scenarios XSD.
The Scenarios XSD itself includes/uses all other XSDs within the Football Connect Data standard, as these contain data model definitions for any real-life scenario.
Scenarios XSD elements are adjusted to scenarios, and as such, are more open to future additions/alterations, than other parts of FIFA Connect Data.
Person Local
Organisation Local
Facility Local
Competition International
Match International

Links to documentation:
Abstract Match Type
Match Phase Type
Match Official Type
Match Event Type
Match Player Type
Team Official Type
Match International Type
Match Team International Type
Match Competition International Type
Match Facility International Type
Match Official International Type
Match Player International Type
Team Official International Type